Author Guidelines
When submitting a manuscript, the author should follow the guidelines below.
1) The manuscript should be within the scope and focus of this journal subject.
2) The manuscript is sent in Ms.Word format with the following conditions:
- A4 paper (21 cm x 29,7cm) with the page margin; Left (3 cm), top (2.5 cm), Right (2.5 cm), and bottom (2.5 cm);
- The number of the manuscript pages between 8 - 17 pages.
- The script is written one column with Times New Roman font 12, except for the title of the manuscript (Times New Roman font 14).
- The conjunctions (and, in, or with, as well, about, that, against, so, because, then, for the sake,) and prepositions (in, to, from, into, within, by, through) are written in lowercase.
3) Manuscript are written with the following regulations.
- Title (Times New Roman font 14; contains uppercase in the first letter and bold; 1,5 space).
- Author(s) Name (Times New Roman font 12).
- Author(s) Affiliation (Times New Roman font 12), contains the name of the institution/organization/workplace/author’s works/study place.
- Correspondence (Times New Roman font 12), contains first author’s email address.
- Abstract (Times New Roman font 11; contains uppercase in the first letter and bold; 1 space). The manuscript abstract is written in English only.
- Keywords (Times New Roman 11; bold) and their contents (Times New Roman 11), keywords are written in English; with a number of 3-5 keywords.
- Introduction (Times New Roman font 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman font 12; 1,5 space).
- Research Methodology (Times New Roman font 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman font 12; 1,5 space).
- Results (Times New Roman font 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman font 12; 1,5 space).
- Discussion (Times New Roman font 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman font 12; 1,5 space). Descriptions of the findings and discussion should be made separately.
- Conclusion and Suggestion (Times New Roman font 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman font 12; 1,5 space).
- References (Times New Roman font 12) and reading sources (Times New Roman font 12; 1,5 space). Source of citations and bibliography must be the same. The writing format of a bibliography refers to the American Psychological Association (APA). Citation and bibliography writing are advised to use the Mendeley application.